Tuesday, August 26, 2014

St. Matthew's Cathedral Church of Brandon

St. Matthew’s Cathedral Church of Brandon this morning. Each day when I leave with my easel deciding what I would like to paint, I normally have no idea what I will bring home. It is always a spurt of moment decision. Today, while driving down the 13th Street at 10 this morning, I saw St Mathew Anglican church building steeped in the morning sunshine , I pulled up my car and went across the street, and spent about 2 hours painting to my heart content. The sight of this church always brings back some fond memory of my early years in Brandon. I remember receiving my first Christmas hamper filled up with donated food items indented for the less fortunate as a poor student from China then II was naturally considered qualified for a hamper then. It certainly brightened up my holidays during those difficulty years of my life. I remember I found a tape cassette recorder among the food of BU music conservatory Choir's Christmas carols, I remember how fond of the music I was , and how home sick I got thinking of my wife and two year old daughter whom I would not be able to see for the next five years. Each day I would pray for their safety and health as the snail mail then would take half a month to reach China and another half month for a return mail. There was no private telephone in China then. What a changed world we are living now!

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